Sunday, July 22, 2012


Yes, still here, just not HERE!  Things have been a little tough since going back to work.  The adjustment has been a bit difficult because as much as I already knew what I was doing, I did not anticipate all the writing.  This company wants everything put down on paper and it has been exhausting.  Sometimes, once I get home, all I can manage is dinner.  All the summer heat doesn't help either 'cause I don't handle heat and humidity well.  It drains my energy.  Much of my time has been spent trying to figure out how to work in some machine time.  I never stopped the handwork, but that has slowed too.  It is hard to stitch when your eyes are closing of their own accord, LOL. 

But I have solved this little dilemma and quite simply.  I just get up an hour earlier for work-at 4:00 instead of 5:00.  I am really at my best in the morning.  I am usually ready to leave my house at 6:00 (breakfasted, dressed, etc.), so I spend the last hour sewing.  One hour every morning equals 5 hours by Friday.  Saturday and Sunday are spent in finishing and preparation for the next week.  Don't know why I didn't figure this out earlier!  It's been working out really well! 

So, here are some finishes.  I have alot of pictures of handwork and other sewing projects so I will have to split this post up.  So, let's start with the handwork.

I am sure you remember this one.  Started it in one corner many years ago and it is finally finshed.  I have a number of other large crewel projects to finish but will probably not start on any more until the weather cools because they are worked in wool thread.  It measures 20" by 18".
This next one was picked up at a flea market.  It was about 3/4 done and all the threads and instructions were with it.  It is a Jacobean design, a favored subject for me.  The kit was for a 14 x14 pillow so it will fit in with the other pillow tops I have.
Here is a really tiny one worked in thread.  It measures 6"x5".  The colors and stitches were my choice.
I don't know if you remember the Poodle transfers but I finally got those finished.  They are intended for a purple/pink quilt for my niece's little girl.  I think they turned out rather cute and I see them as pictures in a frame.  I am still mulling over the settings.

Ok, so that finishes up the handwork.  Next post I will show you a few smaller sewing projects. 

Love from Liri


  1. Getting up at 4am sounds like a big pain in the behind, but it sure seems to be working for you! All the projects are wonderful and I hope the adjustment to your job will eventually become such that you can sew in the evenings, too. But there's more? I look forward to seeing them! (And I'm glad you're "back!")

  2. I can stay up later than anyone, anytime, but don't ever ask me to get up at 4 AM for anything! Those first three pieces are beautiful, and of course, the poodles are adorable. You do such beautiful handwork, and I can hold the proof in my own hands; I'll be sharing it with everyone as soon as I can get it framed properly! Glad you are back with us! ---"Love"

  3. Beautifully done!! The poodles will make a darling quilt. As to 4:00 AM, I get up then quite often as I wake up and can't get back to sleep. I love to get some blogging, sewing done and take a walk by 7:00 AM. Of course, I go to bed about 9:00 PM as I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I hope you don't wait so long to blog again.

  4. So glad to see that you still have time for your handwork. Beauiful as always. I remember all those 4 a.m. mornings, Perhaps I need to return to that schedule since here in Missouri it is also too hot to quilt.
    Wishing you the best,
    Carolyn B

  5. Welcome back to blogland! Your handwork is ,lovely, as always. I'm glad you were able to keep at it. Good for you, getting up and busy with an earlier alarm. I'm not a morning person at all - the alarm doesn't even always wake me.

  6. So glad to see a post from you!!! Your handwork is so amazing. The poodles are too cute! I understand about work and trouble getting some sewing in. I have been working more and it feels like I am sewing less and less except for shop samples and demos.
    Can't wait to see what else you have been up to. Hope the heat breaks soon. It does make me feel drained too.

  7. Beautiful handwork! Finding time in a busy day isn't easy but you've found a solution that works for you. Go Girl! ann :-)
