1. Patriotic Denim
The middle has been done for awhile, but I have been struggling with the borders. Here it is on my design wall:
I have two more border units to make because I took two out to use in the shams. The shams have not yet been started. This will not be quilted with batting due to weight. I have the backing. It is for my nephew.
2. Rita's Water Ice
This mess is Rita's Water Ice. It is 1/3 quilted (all the verticals are done). The horizontals and the diagonals need to be finished. I think I have binding but it is not yet cut. The shams are done but not quilted. This is for one of my sisters.
This is what the top looks like in case you forgot.
3. Handwork
This kit is at least 30 years old. One small corner was finished and then I put it aside. I pulled this out before Christmas and started working on it again. Not sure this will get finished this month because it is so heavily embroidered. Here is as it stands now.
This is what it will look like when completed. The picture on the package was taken in reverse.
So, there you have my January projects. I want to finish all three but I am itching to start some new ones. So I am thinking I may start the new ones as leaders/enders.
What say you, Katie? Will this do?
Love from Liri